Conditions of Sale

I Application

These general terms and conditions of sale (hereinafter referred to as the "GTCS") apply to sales transactions concluded by the Hôtel du Printemps (SARL Concorde hereinafter referred to as the "Hotel") with the Customer, and in particular to the marketing of all services offered on this site (hereinafter referred to as the "Site") via the Internet and by telephone.

They cancel and replace any previous version that may have been put online and/or accepted by the Client.

It is therefore imperative that the Customer carefully reads the GTCs which are referenced by hypertext link on each page of the site. He is advised to download and/or print them in order to keep a copy on the day of his order as they are likely to be modified, it being however specified that such modifications will be inapplicable to orders for Services made previously.

The GTC may be supplemented by special terms and conditions of sale appearing on the description of the service as well as by the terms and conditions of sale of the service providers, which are accessible either on their website or on site.

II Capacity

The Customer acknowledges that he/she has the capacity to contract, i.e., that he/she has reached the age of majority and is not under guardianship.

Minors may only stay at the hotel if accompanied by an adult and in possession of personal identification. If the accompanying person is an adult other than the parents, he or she must have parental permission from the child's parents. The hotel may ask for these documents.

The Client also declares that he uses the Site in accordance with these GTC, in his own name and in the name and on behalf of all the beneficiaries of the services ordered by him on the Site, for whom he acknowledges that he is the authorised representative (hereinafter: the "Beneficiaries") and to whom these GTC will be enforceable.

The Client is financially responsible for the use of the Site made both in his name and on behalf of the Beneficiaries, unless he can demonstrate fraudulent use not resulting from any fault or negligence on his part.

The Client guarantees the truthfulness and accuracy of the information provided by him in his name and in the name and on behalf of all Beneficiaries using his data on the Site.

The Company reserves the right at any time not to enter into a contract with a Client who makes fraudulent use of the Site or who contravenes these GTC.

III Right of withdrawal

Pursuant to the provisions of Article L 121-21-8 of the French Consumer Code, the services offered on the Site by the Company are not subject to the application of the right of withdrawal provided for in Articles L. 121-21 et seq. of the French Consumer Code in relation to distance selling.

Consequently, the services ordered on the Site are exclusively subject to the cancellation and modification conditions set out in these GTCs and the Client may not invoke the right of withdrawal.

IV Rates

Prices are quoted in Euros. VAT is included in the prices quoted. Any change in the applicable rate, or any modification or introduction of new legal taxes by the competent authorities, will be automatically reflected in the prices indicated on the date of invoicing.

The rates are per room for the number of persons indicated and according to the selected period.

The prices indicated include only the services strictly mentioned in the reservation. Any additional services provided by the hotelier during the stay and, if applicable, the tourist tax shall be added to the price mentioned in the reservation.

The prices mentioned on the Site are subject to change at any time by the Hotel without prior information or notice. Only the price indicated in the booking confirmation by the Company is contractual.

No stay booked before the introduction of a promotional offer will be refunded, even partially.

V Online orders

When placing an order, the Customer must

- fill in the identification form on which he/she will indicate all the requested details or give his/her Client number if he/she has one,

- fill in the online order form giving all the references of the products or services chosen,

- validate his/her order after having checked it,

- make the payment under the conditions provided and confirm his/her order and payment in the case of an option for an advance purchase plan, or send the Company his/her bank details in the case of an option for a flexible plan.

Any reservation for more than 3 rooms or more than 7 days must be validated by our services. Please contact the hotel at or + 33 (0)1 43 43 62 31.

Confirmation of the order implies acceptance of these conditions of sale, recognition of having full knowledge of them and waiver of the right to invoke one's own conditions of purchase or other conditions.

All the data provided and the recorded confirmation will be considered as proof of the transaction. The confirmation will be worth signature and acceptance of the operations carried out.

The Company shall send the Client, by any means (electronic mail, simple mail, fax, etc.), confirmation of the registered order.

The reservation is only firm and definitive after receipt of the confirmation sent to the Client by the Company.

The entry of the required banking information and the acceptance of these General Conditions by electronic means constitutes an electronic contract between the parties which is proof between the parties of the reservation of the services and of the liability of the sums due in execution of said reservation.

The rates, terms and conditions of reservations are intended for the sale of hotel rooms in accordance with their primary purpose: accommodation. The hotel reserves the right to modify or cancel the reservation(s), as well as the rates and conditions if the rooms are used for other purposes such as parties, dinners, meetings, photo or video shoots, film or interview shoots, written or filmed interviews, social networking shoots, showrooms etc. (non-exhaustive list) without prior written permission from the management. The number of guests in the rooms may not exceed the number of people booked and may not exceed the maximum room capacity declared to the Préfecture de Police de Paris (declaration available from the hotel management).

VI Online payment methods

Depending on the type of reservation made, the price is payable in full at the time the order is placed (pre-payment advance purchase plan) or at the end of the Customer's stay at the Hotel (flexible plan).

In all cases and in order to guarantee the reservation, the Client is asked to communicate his credit card number, the transmission being done by secure mode.

If payment is made when the order is placed, the credit card information transmitted by the Customer via a secure system to the Company enables the latter to debit the card for the total amount of the stay, again in a secure manner. The Client's bank account is debited on the day the order is placed and the invoice is sent by the Company to the Client on the day of departure from the Hotel.

Please note that the credit card used to make the reservation must be presented on arrival by the cardholder. Otherwise, a new credit card will be required for payment upon arrival.

In the case of a third party taking over the stay, the hotel will require documentation for the security of the transaction.

Please also note that the hotel reserves the right to pre-authorise your credit card at any time prior to arrival.

VII Modification and/or cancellation of a reservation

Cancellations and/or changes to bookings may be permitted depending on the price plan chosen by the Client.

In the case of a flexible plan, any request to modify and/or cancel a reservation must be made as soon as possible

The modification and/or cancellation of a reservation is only firm and definitive after receipt of a confirmation by email from the Company.

The date of receipt of the request for modification and/or cancellation (by e-mail, letter, telephone) is the date retained for the cancellation.

In the event that the Client does not show up at the Hotel and there is no cancellation :

- the total amount of the reservation will be retained by the Hotel

- the first night will be charged by the Hotel in case of a "Flexible Plan" reservation.

Furthermore, for a stay of at least 2 nights, in the event that the Customer does not show up on the first day of the stay, the Hotel is not obliged to keep the room for the remaining duration of the stay.

The Client is requested to plan to arrive at the Hotel before 7 p.m. and to inform the hotel owner in the event of late arrival, failing which the Client will be considered as not having arrived on the first day of the stay.

VIII Displacement

In the event that the Hotel is not available or in the event of force majeure, the Hotel reserves the right to accommodate the Customer, in whole or in part, in a hotel of equivalent or higher category, offering services of the same nature. The transfer will then be at the expense of the hotelier, who shall not be liable to pay any additional compensation.

IX Ancillary services - Packages

Orders for ancillary services and/or packages may only be placed at the same time as the reservation of a stay in the establishment on a given and predetermined date.

They may only be used by the Customer during his/her stay at the Hotel. They may only be modified and/or cancelled under the conditions set out in Article VII hereof.

X Force majeure

Force majeure shall mean any event external to the parties which is both unforeseeable and insurmountable and which prevents either the Client or the hotelier from fulfilling all or part of the obligations under the contract.

This is particularly the case in the event of a strike, insurrection, riot, or prohibitions imposed by government or public authorities.

It is expressly agreed that force majeure suspends the performance of the parties' mutual obligations and that each party shall bear the costs arising from it.

In particular, the Clients shall bear alone the additional costs that may be incurred to enable the continuation of the journey, following the occurrence of an event of force majeure.

XI Complaints

All complaints should be addressed to the following address HOTEL DU PRINTEMPS 80 boulevard de Picpus 75012 PARIS, within 15 days of the departure of the holiday which is the subject of the said complaint. After this period, no claim can be taken into account.

After having referred the matter to the after-sales service and in the absence of a satisfactory response or in the absence of a response within 60 days, the customer may refer the matter free of charge to the Tourism and Travel Mediator, whose contact details and procedures for referral are available on the website: .

Address of the Consumer Mediation Service

Médiation Tourisme Voyage

BP 80303

75823 Paris Cedex 17

XII Information technology and civil liberties

In application of the French law 78-17, known as "informatique et libertés", clients are informed that their reservation is subject to computerised personal data processing. Clients have the right to access and rectify the data entered, which can be exercised at the head office: HOTEL DU PRINTEMPS 80 boulevard de Picpus PARIS. It is specified that this information is not communicated to third parties.

The Company offers Wi-Fi internet access. The Client undertakes to ensure that the computer resources made available to it are not used in any way for the purposes of reproduction, representation, making available or communication to the public of works or objects protected by copyright or by a related right, such as texts, images, photographs, audiovisual musical works, software and video games, without the authorisation of the holders of the rights provided for in Books I and II of the Intellectual Property Code, where such authorisation is required.

Telephone canvassing

You have the possibility to register on the list of opposition to telephone canvassing. This list can be accessed via the following website: .

XIII Responsibilities

The Company declines all responsibility in the event of theft, loss or damage to guests' belongings during their stay.

Guests may deposit their valuables in the safe in each room.

When renting a car park from our service provider, guests park at their own risk and are responsible for any damage they may cause.

The Guest must not bring into the Hotel (rooms and communal areas) any food or drink from outside sources, unless clearly authorised by the Hotel in advance.

The Guest must not smoke inside the Hotel, including in the rooms, and may only smoke in the outdoor patio.

The Customer must not disrupt the operation of the Hotel and must not jeopardise the safety of the Hotel or the persons in it.

More generally, any behaviour contrary to public morality and order within the Hotel will lead the Hotel Manager to ask the Client to leave the premises without any compensation and/or without any refund if payment has already been made. If no payment has yet been made, the Client must pay the price of the reservation before leaving the premises.

The Client shall be held responsible for any damage, deterioration or vandalism that may occur as a result of the occupation of the premises and/or the participants and/or the staff for whom he/she is responsible, to movable, decorative and immovable property, whether or not belonging to the hotel, and the Company shall have the right to ask the Client to leave the establishment without any compensation or reimbursement for the stay in progress, and to reimburse the damage caused by such acts.

The Company, in the online sales process, is only bound by an obligation of means. It cannot be held responsible for any damage resulting from the use of the Internet network such as loss of data, intrusion, viruses, service interruptions or other involuntary problems.

XIV Applicable Law

The present General Terms and Conditions of Sale are governed by French law. This applies to both substantive and formal rules. Disputes shall fall under the exclusive jurisdiction of the French courts.